Upgrade Ubuntu LTS versions

Run the update command to refresh the repos:

sudo apt update

Pull any upgradeable packages:

apt list --upgradable

Install any outstanding updates:

sudo apt upgrade -y

Reboot server so its clean:

sudo reboot

Once the server is back up run the above again to catch any additional entries.

Snapshot/backup your device.

Confirm the Update manager is installed/updated:

sudo apt install update-manager-core

Make sure in the update-manager is set to prompt for LTS releases:

tail /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades

If you’ve installed an LTS previously, it should say “Prompt=lts” at the bottom. Leave “Prompt=lts” as is. With this setting, Ubuntu will only upgrade to 22.04 LTS, and the LTS releases that come after (are much more stable).

If you’re using a non-LTS release, it should say “Prompt=normal.” If you upgrade from a non-LTS release, change it to “Prompt=lts” in a text editor (as root).

Upgrading the Server

Its best to complete the following commands from the console to not lose access during the upgrade process:

sudo -s

Execute the upgrade command:
